Saturday, June 23, 2012

What a Lush

I know that I've been posting a ton about beauty stuff lately, but LUSH is definitely a company worth mentioning. First off, their products are all-natural. Like, made of seaweed and cinnamon and roses natural (okay, maybe not that specific combo, but you get the idea). Also, their salespeople try products on you, and they don't scrimp. I hate when salespeople give you a tic tac-sized sample of lotion and you have no idea what it really feels like. LUSH wants you to know what you're getting, and their products never upset.
How cute is their Palm Beach store?
Bath bombs, face masks, and bubble bars oh my!

I walked out with the BB Seaweed face mask (so fresh that it must be stored in the fridge), Flying Fox shower gel (guaranteed to put you in a good mood), peppermint foot scrub, The Comforter bubble bar,  a mud bar, and in-shower body conditioner. All day I've been practically begging for people to touch me because it's made my skin so soft. Sorry I'm not sorry.

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